Mammoplasty is considered to be one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world. Why do women do it? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Some believe that nature has not rewarded them with a fairly lush bust, others want to quickly restore their previous shape after giving birth and breastfeeding.

German scientists recently conducted a survey among patients of cosmetic surgery clinics and discovered the main reasons that force women to undergo surgery without fear.
- "I am a mother of three children and I have breastfed them all. As a result, my breasts became very sagging and the skin on it stretched. "
- "Since childhood I have been very healthy and now I have finally lost weight. I was on a diet for a long time but I did not have time to do sports. Therefore, the breasts were as ugly as they were. "
- "A few years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My right breast was removed. I do not like inlay prostheses. I want to be a real woman. "
- "My breasts are very small and for that I was constantly bullied at school. I still feel insecure as a little girl and because of this I have big problems with my personal life. I know that when I enlarge my breasts, everything will change. "
- "This is my last hope to have beautiful and strong breasts. I tortured myself for a long time, did special exercises and even took pills, but everything was in vain. The operation is better. "
- "Men just want big breasts. After surgery, my chances of having a successful marriage will be much higher. I'm sure I will find a better job than now. "
- "By nature, the left chest is bigger than the right. This is terribly ugly. I find it difficult to choose underwear and I am ashamed to undress in front of a loved one. "
These are just the most common answers. According to the study, the average age of women who turn to plastic surgeons is steadily declining. Almost half of the patients are young women under the age of 25 years. It is interesting that about 3% of respondents are girls under 20 years old. Why mammoplasty is needed at such a mild age is a mystery. After all, the breast at this time is still growing and can gain the desired volume and shape.
Medical causes of breast enlargement
- Improving the shape of the mammary glands after rapid weight loss. The chest decreases, the volume decreases, ugly stretch marks appear on the skin. Silicone implants give the breast a beautiful shape, make it strong and healthy.
- During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, the breast grows significantly, and after breastfeeding, on the contrary, "swells" significantly. Mammoplasty performed 1 to 1. 5 years after the birth of the child helps to restore the breasts to their previous shape.
- As a result of the breakdown of the hormonal system, the breast may not grow at all or not form properly. In these cases mammoplasty is recommended.
- The absence of one or both breasts may be due to mastectomy (complete removal of the breast). Angelina Jolie, who opted for a mastectomy because of the high risk of developing cancer, can be cited as a great example. All breast tissue was removed from the actress and implants were placed. The only thing that reminds you of this are the small wounds under the chest. Needless to say, both surgeries did not have any negative impact on her appearance and career.
When is mammoplasty strictly contraindicated?
- The breasts are not yet fully formed. The optimal age for surgery is from 18 to 50 years old.
- You suffer from breast diseases. Surgery can cause serious complications.
- You have very little subcutaneous fat.
- The thoracic cage is severely deformed and has sores.
- The mammologist and surgeon gave a negative conclusion about the results of your examination. If a specialist turned you down, then there is a serious reason for this. There is no need to look for another plastic surgeon at all costs.
Some helpful tips
If you decide to have mammoplasty, listen to the following recommendations. Maybe they can help you make the right choice.
- According to statistics, breast augmentation is one of the safest plastic surgeries. The risk of complications is less than 5%. Of course, provided the mammoplasty is performed by a highly qualified surgeon. A good clinic and a doctor with an excellent reputation are a guarantee of an excellent result.
- Breasts that are too large may not mix with your physique. Before surgery, think carefully about the size of breasts you really need.
- Swelling and bruising after surgery go away for a long time. During this period you will need the support of family and friends. In addition, for the first time after mammoplasty you will need to wear special underwear and follow all the recommendations of the surgeon who operated on you.